Founding statement of Réseau écosocialiste: "Ecosocialism advocates the distribution of wealth, ecological and democratic planning, and popular sovereignty." ... [click title to continue]
Activists in this small city are challenging Enbridge's plan to pump tar sands bitumen across sensitive lands near the shore of Lake Ontario. ... [click title to continue]
The tar sands pipeline plan, and extreme weather impacts driven by climate change, strengthen the case for a strong progressive challenge to the right-wing Rob Ford machine. ... [click title to continue]
"In recognition of our responsibilities to protect Mother Earth, Native peoples will not allow this pipeline to come across our treaty areas." ... [click title to continue]
Ecosocialism Canada does not pretend to be impartial. This is a partisan project, written and edited by people who strongly believe that an ecological revolution is needed, and that no such revolution is possible within the framework of the capitalist system. In John Bellamy Foster’s words, “There can be no true ecological revolution that is not socialist; no true socialist revolution that is not ecological.” ... [click title to continue]
Highly-recommended reading on Canadian genocide. "The narrative is so chilling that it leaves its reader stunned and disturbed. This is fearless, evidence-driven history at its finest." ... [click title to continue]
"It's against the law and the constitution for police and spy agencies to spy on the lawful activities of people who are just speaking out and getting involved in their communities." ... [click title to continue]
The Energy East pipeline will lead to greenhouse gas emission increases equal to adding over seven million cars to Canada’s roads. ... [click title to continue]