Greens Decry Harper Government Moving to Even Weaker GHG

 - Green Party of Canada - Parti vert du Canada Harper has done it again. Hiding behind the US weak greenhouse gas targets, Canada has now watered down our commitment again, setting a new base year of 2005 for greenhouse gas reductions. "After sabotaging progress in Copenhagen, the Harper government has now moved to an even weaker target," said Green Leader Elizabeth May. In 2006, when the Harper ... [click title to continue]

‘People’s submission’ hits Canada on climate change

A network of leading non-governmental organizations has made a People’s Submission to the United Nations (UN) on behalf of over 150,000 Canadians who have signed the KyotoPlus petition against Canada’s poor record on climate change. The submission was made this week with the approach of the Jan. 31 deadline for countries to indicate what actions they are committed to taking under the Copenhagen ... [click title to continue]

Canada’s Long Road to Mining Reform

Written by Cyril Mychalejko Toward Freedom Rape. Murder. Corruption. Environmental contamination. Impunity. These are just some of the charges and incidents that have plagued Canadian mining operations abroad for years. Now one Canadian lawmaker has taken on the Herculean challenge of legislating mining reform in a country that has traditionally acted like a parent in denial. "The mining industry ... [click title to continue]

Greens would cut taxes and balance the budget

- Green Party of Canada This week, in a cross-country launch, the Green Party of Canada unveiled a series of key policies that together would work to bring Canada out of the current structural deficit and into a new green economy. “I am here on Parliament Hill, where all MPs should be, to continue the important conversation started by the Parliamentary Budget Officer. Our country suffers from a triple ... [click title to continue]

Climate Change a Crisis of Conscience for All Canadians

- United Church of CanadaMardi Tindal, the Moderator of Canada’s largest Protestant denomination, The United Church of Canada, today issued an open letter to Canadians calling on them to consider climate change a crisis of conscience.In the letter Tindal urges Canadians “to choose hope and action over despair and paralysis” in addressing what she calls “one of the most urgent moral challenges ... [click title to continue]

Royal Dutch Shell Shell faces shareholder revolt over Canadian tar sands project

Investors call for review of oil production in AlbertaTerry Macalister The GuardianMonday 18 January 2010   Royal Dutch Shell group's dissident shareholders will press for a review of its tar sands project in Canada, at the oil firm's annual meeting in May. Photograph: Jeff McIntosh/APShell chief executive Peter Voser will be forced to defend the company's controversial investment in Canada's tar ... [click title to continue]

Canadian Ecosocialists: A job still in progress

The following was written by Ian Angus in 2007. The challenges he outlined then still require much patient work (read the full article link).The growing worldwide interest in ecosocialism is reflected in two political trends:  Many people in the green movement are turning to Marxism to understand the ecological crisis and are concluding that only socialism offers a way out. Many on the Left believe ... [click title to continue]

Copenhagen and Canada

Scoring Zero for Zero EmissionsCanadian Dimension Editorial CollectiveJanuary 7th, 2010A climate emergency threatens mass extinctions this century. Species are already disappearing at one thousand times the normal rate. Ample evidence points to the need for zero emissions plus more and further negative reductions of atmospheric carbon as soon as possible. Yet most “leaders” parade their gossamer ... [click title to continue]

Canada’s Green Party: Where did it all go wrong?

Ecosocialism Canada presents this commentary from Stuart Hertzog's blog While EC would argue that an anti-capitalist orientation is required to resolve both our human and environmental crisis, we need to reflect critically on the experience of the green movement. It remains a very uneven development across the globe and green politics have grown to reflect a spectrum of positions. ... [click title to continue]