British Columbia’s Fossil Fuel Superpower Ambitions

By Roger Annis MRzine The province of Alberta is well known as a climate-destroying behemoth. The tar sands developments in the north of that province are the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions on the planet. Less well known are the ambitions of its neighbouring province, British Columbia. It shares similar fossil fuel reserves and ambitions as Alberta. Vast coal and natural gas reserves ... [click title to continue]

People’s Assembly Keeps Climate Justice Debate Public

By Megan Cotton-Kinch Toronto Media Co-opWhile the power elites gather in their walled-off security cordons, the Peoples Assembly for Climate Justice offers another model of decision-making. Subtitled “Moving Forward for Cochabamba” the meeting seeks to build on the successful summit in Bolivia, a people’s alternative to the failure to reach any kind of meaningful climate agreement at Copenhagen.Facilitated ... [click title to continue]

If the oil sands aren’t high carbon, why do oil sands proponents spend so much time fighting low carbon fuel standards?

Marc HuotOilSandsWatch.orgJun 23, 2010With the recent efforts by the Government of Alberta to initiate a clean energy dialogue with U.S. leaders, I’m beginning to question the logic of our Environment Minister. On paper, the minister’s objectives are “to have an open and progressive discussion about climate change, the energy choices we all make as consumers, and how we can work together for ... [click title to continue]

Canadian Reflections on the Cochabamba Climate Summit

By Kimia Ghomeshi and Ben PowlessThe Dominion - TORONTO—Last month, representatives from around the globe gathered in Cochabamba, Bolivia for the first World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. Called by Bolivian President Evo Morales in the wake of last winter’s Copenhagen United Nations Summit, he called “the peoples of the world, ... [click title to continue]

Staking the North: The Arctic is being developed—in whose interest?

By Shailagh KeaneyThe Dominion - Angela Sterritt MONTREAL—On March 28 Indigenous leaders and environmental activists called for a moratorium on Arctic oil and gas exploration, as Foreign Affairs Ministers from Canada, Norway, Denmark, Russia and the United States met at the “Arctic Summit” in Chelsea, Quebec to discuss their plans for the resource-rich North.Canada ... [click title to continue]

Canada’s Dirty Oil: Breaking our addiction

PolarisThis new DVD convincingly makes the case that Canada’s oil sands are too dangerous, too dirty, and too expensive. Highlighting the local and global impacts of oil sands extraction, Breaking Our Addiction also makes the case that dirty oil sands crude vs Middle Eastern oil is a false choice. In this, the 21st century economy, a clean transportation future awaits if we choose to make it happen. ... [click title to continue]

Canada owns the podium for inaction at Bonn climate talks

TckTckTckWith international climate treaty negotiations underway again in Bonn, Germany this week, a fossil-of-the-day award has been handed to Canada by the International Climate Action Network (CAN) - a worldwide network of over 450 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).The fossil-of-the-day is given out each day of negotiations as a means of calling out the countries who have been particular bad ... [click title to continue]

McQuaig: Smear tactics tar protesters

Linda McQuaigTheStar.comJune 01, 2010Given the abysmal state of things — with no progress on climate change, financial markets still operating as unregulated casinos and oil continuing to surge freely into the gulf — it's not surprising that many people feel the world is being poorly managed. Millions respond by drifting into apathy or hedonistic consumerism.But there are others who are so passionate ... [click title to continue]