Canada’s Largest Environmental Lawsuit a Victory

Ontario court rules Vale must pay $36 M to Port Colborne residentsBy Tracy GlynnThe Dominion -—Almost 10 years after Wilfred Pearson, a retired truck driver from Port Colborne, Ontario, signed his name as the lead plaintiff to the largest environmental class action lawsuit filed in Canadian history, the verdict is in—and it is in his favour. Port Colborne ... [click title to continue]

Groups demand release of parliamentary findings on tar sands and water

Council of CanadiansThe Indigenous Environmental Network and the Council of Canadians are calling on the Federal government to immediately release the findings of the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development regarding the impacts of Tar Sands operations on Alberta water resources. The Committee had been working on a report after an 18 month investigation, but according ... [click title to continue]

Greenpeace criticizes CPP investment in tar sands

'CPP's investment in the tar sands involves pensioners in a toxic legacy when they should be able to rely on an ethical, sustainable retirement plan.'NUPGE NewsThe Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has drawn criticism from environmentalists for a decision to invest $250 million in an Alberta tar sands company.Canada's largest pension plan has purchased 8,333,333 shares in Laricina Energy ... [click title to continue]

BC’s carbon tax turns two

By Marc LeeThe Progressive Economics ForumJuly 5th, 2010With all of the attention focused on the HST implementation on July 1, most people seemed to miss the next increment of that other much-hated tax, BC’s carbon tax. As of July 1, the carbon tax is now $20 per tonne of CO2, or about 4.6 cents on a litre of gasoline. And like any two-year old, this toddling tax increase is set to wreak some havoc ... [click title to continue]