Canada’s Greens Call for Massive Public Mobilization in lead-up to UN Climate Summit in Mexico

Green Party of CanadaOTTAWA -- Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May called today for a re-politicization of the climate movement and for a major public mobilization during the one month lead-up to the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change 16th Conference of the Parties. The meeting will be held in Cancun, Mexico, on November 29, 2010.“In the wake of the Copenhagen Summit disaster a ... [click title to continue]

Canada and US Hit by Huge ‘Weather Bomb’

By Brad JohnsonCross-posted from The Wonk RoomOctober 27, 2010 Visible satellite image of the October 26, 2010 superstorm taken at 5:32pm EDT. At the time, Bigfork, Minnesota was reporting the lowest pressure ever recorded in a U.S. non-coastal storm, 955 mb. Image credit: NASA/GSFC. Fueled by fossil fuel pollution, an unprecedented, freak “land hurricane” swept through the continental United ... [click title to continue]

Protesters Close Down A Shell Gas Station – London, Canada

Cam and Edition by Mike RoyThe rallies were organized by Climate Justice London, Ontario and The Latin American-Canadian Solidarity Association (LACASA).The event was part of the October 12th global day of action for climate justice, indigenous rights, and Latin American solidarity.The speaker in the video was telling us about County Mayo, in Ireland.Shell Canada is headquartered in Calgary. ... [click title to continue]