Doug Taylor, 1956 – 2014

Dear friends: I am sorry to have to report that Doug Taylor passed away on January 13, with his family at his bedside. I visited him just hours before he left us. He was in very good spirits, was not at all afraid of death, and still had his sense of humour and hearty laugh. We discussed books we liked. His funeral was held at Lakeview United Church on January 17. Doug spent his adult life doing everything ... [click title to continue]

Le Reseau ecosocialiste: Toward new ways of organizing

In Québec, many socialists and anti-capitalists see ecosocialism, the junction of socialism, Marxism and critical ecological justice, as a necessary framework under which to organize. Ecosocialism is an analysis that correctly identifies capitalism and the pursuit of profit as the driving force behind environmental destruction and climate chaos. ... [click title to continue]

New Book: Trade Unions and Canadian Democracy

Next Year Country Books is pleased to announce our first publication.- NYCAs Brad Wall's Saskatchewan Party is posed to launch yet another attack on Saskatchewan workers and their unions through their "Labour Law Review",  Lorne Brown's Trade Unions and Canadian Democracy provides a timely historical perspective on the role labour has played in the fight for democratic rights.Submitted by ... [click title to continue]

Ecosocialism and Deglobalization

By Aurélien Bernier Le Journal des Alternatives September 3, 2012 This is a google translation of the original article"Wild industrialization that accumulates pollution, urbanization out of scale that dislocates communities, no longer meet the needs and aspirations of present time. The time has come to define a new growth. "[...]"I insist, in fact, for several years, and in various circumstances, ... [click title to continue]

A discussion on the term "ecosocialism"

Alliance VoicesDecember 2011 In the online newsletter of the Socialist Alliance in Australia, Adam Baker raised an issue of the concept and ideology of "ecosocialism", a term the Alliance has been adopting. Ian Angus from Canada defended the use of "ecosocialism" as it has been developed in the Belem Ecosocialist Declaration. These two articles are linked below as a contribution to the ongoing discussion ... [click title to continue]

Canadian churches, climate change and Durban

By Dennis GruendingPulpit and PoliticsDecember 11, 2011I have at times been critical of Canadian faith communities for failing to make the environment a moral priority. But a good number of religious leaders in Canada and elsewhere, weighed in for the climate talks in Durban, South Africa. I will get to Canadians in a moment but will start with the fireworks that arose from an advertisement in the ... [click title to continue]

Canada needs system change not climate change

What does it mean where the rubber hits the road?By Eric DohertyStraight.comOctober 11, 2011The slogan “System change not climate change” is well known in Europe, and is becoming a central rallying cry in the growing global movement for climate justice. But to many people in North America, it is still an unfamiliar and even threatening slogan. So what does “system change” mean where the rubber ... [click title to continue]

Ecosocialism: Interview With Ian Angus

Radio Adelaide September 23, 2011  Is the Eco-Socialist revolution coming? Ian Angus is a veteran of the Socialist and Environmental movements in Canada.He is also the founder of, and co-author of the new book, “Too Many People? Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis”.This weekend he will be visiting Adelaide to host the public forum, “Political ... [click title to continue]

System Change: Naomi Klein from Council of Canadians

Council of CanadiansSeptember 7, 2011Nothing Exposes the Failures of Our Economic System More than Climate Change, which is not merely an isolated, separate environmental issue, for the effects of climate change are in fact the direct result of our market based model of economic growth and all its various capitalist strategies for profit and exploitation including the most damaging - because transportation ... [click title to continue]