Andrea Harden-Donahue of the Council of Canadians reports on the "Our Risk, Their Reward" campaign of protest meetings against the Energy East pipeline plan. ... [click title to continue]
Video: Roger Annis of Vancouver Ecosocialist Group speaks on capitalism's drive to increase production of oil, tar sands, coal, and natural gas ... [click title to continue]
The people of Kitimat have voted overwhelmingly against the Northern Gateway pipeline. This video, produced in 2010, explains why. ... [click title to continue]
TransCanada wants to build the largest oil pipeline in North America, to carry tar sands crude 4600 km across Canada. This is how big it would be ... ... [click title to continue]
"I don't really want to get into the phrases of your PR. There are these spills in our territory. I want to hear what you're doing about that." ... [click title to continue]
Responding to protests, City Council demands a full environmental assessment of Enbridge Line 9 and an end to secrecy about rail shipments of explosive oil products through populated areas. ... [click title to continue]