The Tar Sands Disaster

Tar sands production is one of the world’s most environmentally damaging activities. It wrecks vast areas of boreal forest through surface mining and subsurface production. It sucks up huge quantities of water from local rivers, turns it into toxic waste and dumps the contaminated water into tailing ponds that now cover nearly 70 square miles. ... [click title to continue]

Stop the Expansion

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made it a priority to expedite the expansion of the tar sands, including the rapid approval of more mines and pipelines. When the Prime Minister found a few obstacles in his way, such as public opposition and regulatory processes designed to protect the environment, he tried to overcome them by attacking nature and democracy. ... [click title to continue]

Le Reseau ecosocialiste: Toward new ways of organizing

In Québec, many socialists and anti-capitalists see ecosocialism, the junction of socialism, Marxism and critical ecological justice, as a necessary framework under which to organize. Ecosocialism is an analysis that correctly identifies capitalism and the pursuit of profit as the driving force behind environmental destruction and climate chaos. ... [click title to continue]

Canada’s environmental activists seen as ‘threat to national security’

Police and security agencies describe green groups' protests and petitions as 'forms of attack', documents revealBy Stephen Leahy 14 February 2013 Monitoring of environmental activists in Canada by the country's police and security agencies has become the "new normal", according to a researcher who has analysed security documents released under freedom of information laws.Security ... [click title to continue]

Pipeline politics — Can popular protest stop the tar sands leviathan?

By Richard Fidler Life on the Left December 8, 2012Petroleum giant Enbridge Inc. has taken huge strides in recent weeks to complete its plan to transport tar sands oil to eastern Canada and from there to foreign markets.Already assured of support from the Harper government, the company is rapidly lining up further backing from provincial politicians and industry players, including a key trade union. ... [click title to continue]

Canada, the surprise ‘pariah’ of the Kyoto protocol

Some Canadians doubt whether their country should have any say in negotiating the second Kyoto protocol after it became the only nation to reject the first oneBy Isabeau Doucet in November 2012  Oil city: steam rises from refineries outside Edmonton, Alberta. Photograph: Andy Clark/ReutersOf all the delegations in the room in Doha, the Canadians adopt the lowest profile. ... [click title to continue]

Lobbying for Canada’s “Ethical Oil”

By Yves EnglerDissident Voice September 25th, 2012While scientists are reporting a stunning reduction in Arctic sea ice Canada’s ambassador in the U.S. is stumping for heavy carbon emitting oil.Last Tuesday Ambassador Gary Doer spoke at Washington D.C.’s Johns Hopkins University in support of heavy polluting tar sands oil. According toSun News, Doer touted the job benefits of Calgary-based TransCanada’s ... [click title to continue]