‘People’s submission’ hits Canada on climate change

A network of leading non-governmental organizations has made a People’s Submission to the United Nations (UN) on behalf of over 150,000 Canadians who have signed the KyotoPlus petition against Canada’s poor record on climate change. The submission was made this week with the approach of the Jan. 31 deadline for countries to indicate what actions they are committed to taking under the Copenhagen ... [click title to continue]

Review: Energy Security and Climate Change

Energy Security and Climate Change: A Canadian Primer reviewed by Terisa E. Turner Canadian DimensionOctober 29th 2009The “Canadian primer” succeeds brilliantly in presenting historical and factual narratives of two ramifying realities of our time: climate chaos and the transition from carbon (oil, gas, coal) to solar energies. The authors challenge the obscenity of mainstream “help the polluters ... [click title to continue]