Canadian Interfaith Call for Leadership and Action on Climate Change

Citizens for Public JusticeTuesday, October 25th, 2011At an historic meeting in Ottawa on October 23rd and 24th, some 30 faith communities of Canada met on Parliament Hill and discussed the urgent need for ecological justice, especially with regards to the climate change crisis. CPJ helped organize these meetings and the CPJ Board chair, Mark Huyser-Wierenga of Edmonton, is a signatory.This “Canadian ... [click title to continue]

The System Change Not Climate Change Project

Council of CanadiansSystem Change Not Climate Change is a multi-media tool for climate justice organized by the Council of Canadians’ Climate Justice for People and the Planet campaign. The popular slogan: “system change not climate change” has become central to a growing and vibrant global movement for climate justice. But what does “system change” mean? And what does it have to do with ... [click title to continue]

Demonstrators arrested at anti-oilsands rally on Parliament Hill

By Mike De Souza and Carmen ChaiPostmedia NewsSeptember 26, 2011 Hundreds protest against the tar sands on Parliament Hill in Ottawa September 26, 2011, with many climbing over a fence between them and police in a mass act of civil disobedience. Here, one of the organizers of the event, President of the Communications, Energy and Paper Workers Union, Dave Coles, is the first to climb the fence and ... [click title to continue]

Opposing “Fortress North America”: Tar Sands Development and Indigenous Resistance

By Dave VaseyNew SocialistSeptembr 12, 2011 During August 30-September 3 a Tar Sands Action took place at the White House in Washington, DC, with solidarity actions in a number of places across North America, and at Canadian and US embassies in a number of places around the world. The action was part of a campaign opposing construction of the proposed 1,702 mile Keystone XL pipeline that would ... [click title to continue]

A call to action: Non-violent civil disobedience against the tar sands

BY ELLY ADELANDRabble.caSeptember 14, 2011 A defining moment in Canadian history will take place in Ottawa this month.On Sept. 26, hundreds of individuals from across the country will participate in an act of peaceful civil disobedience. The objective is to send a clear message to the Harper regime, calling on the government to withdraw its unquestioning support of the tar sands industry and to provide ... [click title to continue]

System Change: Naomi Klein from Council of Canadians

Council of CanadiansSeptember 7, 2011Nothing Exposes the Failures of Our Economic System More than Climate Change, which is not merely an isolated, separate environmental issue, for the effects of climate change are in fact the direct result of our market based model of economic growth and all its various capitalist strategies for profit and exploitation including the most damaging - because transportation ... [click title to continue]

VIDEO: The Tar Sands Action Was Just Phase One

Written by Mike G The Understory September 7, 2011Also read What Comes Next for Tar Sands Action The Tar Sands Action wrapped up last Saturday, and I have to say it was a truly amazing thing to watch transpire. In all, 1,253 people were arrested protesting the expansion of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.But more than that, they were protesting what the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline ... [click title to continue]

First Part of Tar Sands Action Ends With Energy and Resolve

Tar Sands ActionSeptember 4, 2011 Part one of the Tar Sands Action came to a close yesterday, with 243 people sitting in and risking arrest to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This was by far the largest day of action, and a historic statement to President Obama. Protestors stood in the DC heat for over four hours in solemn opposition to the pipeline and the development of the Alberta ... [click title to continue]

The Keystone Pipeline: Can labor and environmentalists work together?

By Mark Gruenberg People's World  August 31 2011 WASHINGTON - Building Trades unions are backing - and transit unions opposing - the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline, from the tar sands of the Canadian province of Alberta to the oil refineries of the U.S. Gulf Coast.The unions' stands come as the $7 billion project, which is estimated to create at least 20,000 construction jobs ... [click title to continue]